  • 18 Dec 2023
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Transfer is a transaction that moves funds from one actor's account (sender actor) to the accounts of up to 20 other actors (recipient actors) with the same currency. If the transfer involves multiple recipient accounts, each recipient account will be credited or debited with the specified amount accordingly.

In the Transfers section, you can create a transfer, view the list of transfers, apply quick filters, or configure and save more complex filters.
You can also access the details of a specific transfer to view all the relevant information.

Requirements for a transfer successful completion
  1. Transfers can only be made between accounts with the same currency
  2. The successful completion of a transfer depends on the atomic execution of all transactions generated by the transfer. If at least one transaction cannot be successfully executed (e.g., due to a limit on the account), the transfer will not occur.

Transfers Menu

The main menu of the Transfers section contains the following main elements:


  1. Date and time, account and currency, type, actor, reference ID filters, similar to those used in the Transactions menu;
  2. Make transfer button for manually configuring and creating a transfer.

Selecting filters in the main menu of the Transfers section displays the transfers for the corresponding period with the corresponding parameters that are available to you (similar to transactions in the Transactions section):

transfer view.gif

After selecting a transfer in the list you can use the transfer menu to:

  • Repeat transfer (also available by clicking the Repeat transfer button in the upper right corner);
  • Copy transfer link;
  • Copy transfer ID.
Deleting a transfer

After a transfer is completed, you cannot delete it

Clicking on a transfer in the list opens the transfer detail menu where you can view transfer details and copy the transfer link.

Making a Transfer Against Numeric Type Accounts

To make a manual transfer against numeric accounts in the Transfers section, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Make transfer button in the upper right corner to open the transfer creation window:


  1. In the transfer creation window, specify and configure the following parameters:


For the actor from which you want to make a transfer (sender actor), specify the following parameters:

  • Actor from - sender actor;
  • Account - sender actor account;
  • Type - part of the sender account from which the transfer will be made: Debit, Credit, Total;
  • Amount - the amount that will be transferred from the specified sender account and distributed among recipient actors.

After you've specified the above-mentioned parameters for the sender actor and account in the first line, you can proceed to specify these parameters for recipient actors and accounts.

  1. Add account (optional) to add another recipient account to the list:


By default, one line for configuring a recipient actor is available. To add more recipients, click the "Add account" button in the menu;


In case a transfer is made to one recipient account, the amount value specified for the sender and the recipient always matches. However, when there are multiple recipients, the amount specified for the sender is the sum of all the recipient-specified amounts.

Thus, changing the amount value for the sender automatically adjusts the amount for each recipient proportionally and vice versa.

When you specify two or more recipients, the transfer amount is split equally among them. If you want to adjust the amount to be sent to a specific recipient, you can change the recipient's amount accordingly.

When you select the Total transfer type, the "Actor from" is debited for the specified amount, and each of the "Actor to" actors is credited for an equal amount, similar to the Credit and Debit type selections. In this case, the Type selection field for "Actors to" is automatically set to Total and disabled:

transfer 5.38 total high.png

You can make transfers of the Total type only against Numeric account type.

  1. Fill out the Comment field (optional) to add a text comment to the transfer;
  2. Click Make transfer in the window to perform the transfer:

transfer make.gif

After you've made a transfer, it will be displayed in the transfers list, and the transactions that are part of the transfer can be viewed and managed in the Transactions section. When viewing a transaction in the Transactions section, you can determine whether it belongs to any transfer by checking the presence of the Transfer ID, which will be non-empty for all transfer transactions.

Making a Transfer Against String and Actor ID Type Accounts

The menu for making a transfer for String type accounts, whether they contain single or multiple values, is similar to that for numeric accounts. In the menu for numeric accounts, the String fields are used instead of the Amount fields to specify the string values (which will be the same for all receiving accounts) for the transfer's receiving accounts. However, unlike numeric transfers, you can only select the same string values for the receiving accounts and not for the sender account:

make transfer string single 5.34 high.png

In the transaction type selection fields for string accounts containing single values, a warning icon is displayed. This icon notifies you that the current string values of the receiver accounts will be replaced with the specified transfer string when you make the transfer.

The menu for Actor ID type accounts is similar, but it contains Actor ID fields instead of String or Amount fields. This allows you to select the actor (same for all receiving accounts) you want to add or subtract from the selected Actor ID account:

make transfer actor ID single 5.34 high.png

The menu logic for Actor ID type accounts is the same as for String type accounts. You can select the type of operation for the sender account and receiver accounts. For the receiver accounts, you can also select the Actor ID of the transfer, which will replace their current values (Total & Fee).

After making a transfer against the specified string account, in the transfer details, you can see the account from which you've made the transfer and, the accounts to which it was made, and the values transferred.

transfer string 5.43 high.png

You can see the same in transfer details for transfers against accounts with the account ID type.


Transfer visualization on a graph

On a graph layer, you can visualize connections between actors based on history of transfers made between these actors. To view these transfer connections, follow the steps:

  1. Add the actors involved in a transfer to a layer on a graph
  2. Select the account-currency pair used for the transfer in the upper-right corner of the main graph menu:


On the layer, the direction of the arrows displayed indicates transfer source and recipient actors, and captions on the arrows display the total amount and number of transfers made. The connection arrow thickness depends on the total amount of transfers made between the actors.

Deleting a transfer

After a transfer is completed, you cannot delete it.

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