Receiver Process
  • 11 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Receiver Process

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Article summary

The Viber Receiver, Telegram Receiver, Facebook Receiver, ABC Receiver (Apple Business Chat), Slack Receiver Processes are located in the corresponding messenger folders: Projects > Stages > Communications Orchestrator > Messengers > [Messenger Name].

Receiver proc

The Receiver Processes are the work starting points of each bot: a [messenger name] Webhook connects to the [same-messenger-name] Receiver process during Communications Orchestrator creation.
The Receiver Processes perform the following actions:

  • Receive events (messages and files sent, buttons clicked, links followed, and so on) from users.
  • Convert received data into the unified standard data structure:
    • channel – the message channel. Available options: telegram, facebook, viber, and abc.
    • chat_id – identifier of a chat, user, and so on.
    • event – event type.
    • message – message object.
  • Forward the converted data to the Main process.

To attach another bot to an existing project in Communications Orchestrator, connect a webhook of this bot to the corresponding Receiver Process manually:

  1. Click the corresponding [Messenger name] Receiver Process and in the upper-right corner, click View details.
    View details

  2. On the Webhook tab of the selected [Messenger name] Receiver process details panel, click Connect to messenger.
    Connect to mess

  3. In the Connect to messenger dialog:

    1. Select the needed messenger.
      Connect to mess dialog

    2. Enter an access token to the new bot in the text box field and click ОK.
      Enter token_2

  4. Update the token in the Tokens state diagram.

Note: The Task REF should have the token name.

The Webhook is connected to the Receiver Process, and the bot is attached to the selected process in Communications Orchestrator.

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