Rich Link
  • 05 Jun 2024
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Rich Link

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Article summary


With Rich Link, you can send messages with images and videos to clients.

Rich link

For more information on Rich Link, go to the official documentation of Apple Messages for Business: Rich Link Messages.


Below, you can see the richLink task reference in the Attachments State Diagram.

    "abc": {   
        "type": "rich_link",
        "rich_link": {
            "richLinkData": {
                "url": "",
                "title": "Welcome to Corezoid!",
                "assets": {
                    "image": {
                        "data": "<…code img in base64…>",
                        "mimeType": "image/png"


typestring+A type of an object to send.
rich_linkobject+An object in which all Rich Link parameters are described.
rich_link.richLinkDataobject+An object that contains data to form an object.
richLinkData.urlstring+A link the customer will follow after “tapping” the item.
richLinkData.titlestring+An item’s title.
richLinkData.assetsobject+An object in which an image or a video is described.
richLinkData.assets.imageobject+An object in which an image is described.
richLinkData.assets.image.datastring+Base64 that presents a used item.
richLinkData.assets.image.mimeTypestring+MimeType, for example: image/jpeg, image/png.
richLinkData.assets.videoobject+An object in which a video is described. link to a video.
richLinkData.assets.image.mimeTypestring+MimeType, for example: video/mp4, video/mpeg.

You can convert an image to base64 in the online converter:

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