Form Message
  • 05 Jun 2024
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Form Message

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Article summary


With Form Message, you can create rich, multi-page interactive flows for users on iOS and iPadOS devices using a single JSON payload.

For more information on Rich Link, go to the official documentation of Apple Messages for Business: Form Message.


Below, you can see the abcForm task reference in the Attachments State Diagram.

    "abc": {
        "type": "form",
        "interactiveData": {
            "bid": "",
            "data": {
                "version": "1.0",
                "requestIdentifier": "{{id}}",
                "dynamic": {
                    "version": "1.1",
                    "template": "form",
                    "data": {
                            "splash": {
                            "header": "Messages for Business Form Demo",
                            "splashtext": "Check out the types of pages available",
                            "buttonTitle": "Continue",
                            "imageIdentifier": "2"
                        "startPageIdentifier": "001",
                        "showSummary": true,
                        "pages": [
                                "pageIdentifier": "001",
                                "type": "select",
                                "title": "Please Choose One Selection To Move On To The Next Page",
                                "subtitle": "Single Select Page",
                                "multipleSelection": true,
                                "items": [
                                        "title": "Single 1",
                                        "imageIdentifier": "2",
                                        "value": "option01",
                                        "identifier": "001_01",
                                        "nextPageIdentifier": "002"
                                        "title": "Single 2",
                                        "imageIdentifier": "2",
                                        "value": "option02",
                                        "identifier": "001_02",
                                        "nextPageIdentifier": "002"
                                        "title": "Single 3",
                                        "value": "option03",
                                        "imageIdentifier": "2",
                                        "identifier": "001_03",
                                        "nextPageIdentifier": "002"
                                        "title": "Single 4",
                                        "value": "option04",
                                        "imageIdentifier": "2",
                                        "identifier": "001_04",
                                        "nextPageIdentifier": "002"
                                        "title": "Single 5",
                                        "value": "option01",
                                        "imageIdentifier": "2",
                                        "identifier": "001_05",
                                        "nextPageIdentifier": "002"
                                "pageIdentifier": "002",
                                "title": "Select All That Apply",
                                "subtitle": "Multiple Selection",
                                "type": "select",
                                "multipleSelection": true,
                                "nextPageIdentifier": "003",
                                "items": [
                                        "title": "Multi 1",
                                        "value": "multi1",
                                        "identifier": "002_01"
                                        "title": "Multi 2",
                                        "value": "multi2",
                                        "identifier": "002_02"
                                        "title": "Multi 3",
                                        "value": "multi3",
                                        "identifier": "002_03"
                                        "title": "Multi 4",
                                        "value": "multi4",
                                        "identifier": "002_04"
                                        "title": "Multi 5",
                                        "value": "multi5",
                                        "identifier": "002_05"
                                "pageIdentifier": "003",
                                "title": "Date Picker With Min/Max Date and Label Text",
                                "subtitle": "Date Picker",
                                "type": "datePicker",
                                "options": {
                                    "minimumDate": "01/01/1970",
                                    "maximumDate": "01/01/2050",
                                    "labelText": "Select Date:"
                                "nextPageIdentifier": "004"
                                "pageIdentifier": "004",
                                "title": "With Custom Label, Prefix, Regex and Placeholder Text",
                                "subtitle": "Numeric Input - Currency",
                                "type": "input",
                                "options": {
                                    "keyboardType": "decimalPad",
                                    "regex": "^\\d*\\.?\\d?\\d?$",
                                    "labelText": "Enter Amount:",
                                    "placeholder": "50.00",
                                    "prefixText": "$"
                                "nextPageIdentifier": "005"
                                "pageIdentifier": "005",
                                "title": "With Placeholder, Label and Expecting a Name",
                                "subtitle": "Text Input - Single Line",
                                "type": "input",
                                "nextPageIdentifier": "006",
                                "options": {
                                    "placeholder": "J. Appleseed",
                                    "labelText": "Name:",
                                    "textContentType": "name",
                                    "required": true
                                "pageIdentifier": "006",
                                "title": "Optional Additional Comment Field",
                                "subtitle": "Text Input - Multiple Lines",
                                "type": "input",
                                "submitForm": true,
                                "options": {
                                    "inputType": "multiline",
                                    "placeholder": "Add any additional details here"
	         "images": [
                        "identifier": "1",
                        "data": "{{imageBit}}"
                        "identifier": "2",
                        "data": "{{imageBit}}"
            "receivedMessage": {
                "title": "Messages for Business Form",
                "subtitle": "Tap to view the available pages",
                "style": "small",
                "imageIdentifier": "1"
            "replyMessage": {
                "title": "Messages for Business Form",
                "subtitle": "Tap to review your selections",
                "style": "small",
                "imageIdentifier": "1"
        "attachments": [


ParameterType/ObjectRequiredDescriptionExample/Allowed value
bidstring+Static parameter, which is sent in the Form.See the example above.
data.dynamic.versionstring+Should be 1.1 or the specified value when the feature launches.1.1
data.dynamic.templatestring+The type is form. Tells the client which template to use to render the view.Form.
data.dynamic.dataobject+Place all the Form data in this field. at the start of the Form. When using splash, ensure the appropriate fields listed below display.Messages for Business Form Demo. main text of the Form starting page. on the button shown on the page. If buttontext is missing, then this view doesn't display and continues onto the first module.Continue. of the image to be shown at the top of the view.2 of the starting page for the Forms. Defaults to the first object in the pages[] array if not defined.2 to “false”. If set to “true”, then shows the summary of all the selections made within the Form.false (default), true[].pageIdentifierstring+A unique identifier for the page being shown that is less than 20 characters in length. Do not reuse.001[].typestring+Data input type for the page. Use one of the following values: select (item selection list), datePicker (date selection menu), or input (keyboard data input).select, datePicker, input.[].titlestringIf set this displays the title in bold on the page. The title is located between the page title image (see imageIdentifier) and the main text.Choose one selection to move on to the next page.[].subtitlestring+Used to display the title text of Form pages. For example, an explanation for a page text or a question.Answer the following question.[].multipleSelectionbooleanBy default, is set to “false” allowing the user to select only one item (singleSelect). Enables multiple item selection for the page when set to “true”.true, false (default)[].items[]titlestring+Localized string value for display in the page title.001[].items[]imageIdentifierstring+Identifier of the image, which is displayed at the top of a Form page.01[].items[]valuestring+A string value of the object itself.option01[].items[]identifierstring+A unique identifier for the item.001_01[].items[]nextPageIdentifierstring+A unique page identifier to show the next page. Set this value only when multipleSelection is not defined or set to “false”.002[]datePicker.optionsstring, dateFormat object+A string representing the date format on the page. The default format is MM/DD/YYYY. Unless this property is explicitly set, all of the date properties are defined using this format.02/15/2021[]datePicker.optionsstring, startDate object+A string representing the date displayed by the date picker. The current date is used by default.02/15/2021[]datePicker.optionsstring, maximumDate object+A string representing the maximum date that a date picker can show. The current date is used by default.02/15/2050[]datePicker.optionsstring, minimumDate object+A string representing the minimum date that a date picker can show.02/15/2000[]datePicker.optionsstring, labelText object+A string representing the text string to be shown next to the date field. The default text used is "Date".Date (default)[]optionsstring, regex object+A string representing a JSON encoded Regex string to limit the type of input for the input field to use.
Note: all Regex strings are JSON-coded.An example to limit input to only have proper decimal values that provides a regex string: ^\ \d*\.?\d?\d?$[]optionsstring, placeholder object+A text string used when there is no other text in the input text field.Default values: Required, Optional.[]optionsboolean, required object+The default Boolean value is "false". When set to "true", the next button on the page is disabled until the user provides input.false (default), true.[]optionsstring, inputType object+The default string value is singleline. When set to multiline, a multiline user data input is enabled.singleline, multiline.[]optionsstring, labelText object+A string value representing a text label shown to identify the input field. The default value is an empty string. Only applies to inputType:singlelineEnter amount .[]optionsstring, prefixText object+A string value representing optional text shown next to the text field. The default value is an empty string. For example, you can set this value to denote the $ character for the field. Only applies to inputType:singleline.$[]optionsstring, maximumCharacterCount object+An integer value representing the field size in characters for singleline and multiline. The default field size represents 30 characters for singleline and 300 characters for multiline.Default values: 30 (for singleline field type), 300 (for multiline field type).[]optionsstring, keyboardType objectType of keyboard to be shown.default, asciiCapable, numbersAndPunctuation, URL, numberPad, phonePad, namephonePad, emailAddress, decimalPad, UIKeyboardTypeTwitter, webSearch.

Types of keyboard supported for keyboardType

Type of keyboardDescriptionAllowed value
defaultDefault value. Specifies the default keyboard for the current input method.
asciiCapableSpecifies a keyboard that displays standard ASCII characters.
numbersAndPunctuationSpecifies the numbers and punctuation keyboard.
URLSpecifies a keyboard optimized for URL entry. This keyboard type prominently features the period (.), forward slash (/) characters, and the “.com” string".","/",“.com”...
numberPadSpecifies a numeric keypad designed for PIN entry. This keyboard type prominently features the numbers 0 through 9. This keyboard type does not support auto capitalization.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0.
phonePadSpecifies a keypad designed for entering telephone numbers. This keyboard type prominently features the numbers 0 through 9 and the asterisk (*) and hashtag (#) characters1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, "*", "#".
namePhonePadSpecifies a keypad designed for entering a person’s name or phone number. This keyboard type does not support auto-capitalization.
emailAddressSpecifies a keyboard optimized for entering email addresses. This keyboard type prominently features the at (@), period (.), and space characters.
decimalPadSpecifies a keyboard with numbers and a decimal point1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, "."
UIKeyboardTypeTwitterSpecifies a keyboard optimized for Twitter text entry, with easy access to the at (@) and hashtag (#) characters.
webSearchSpecifies a keyboard optimized for web search terms and URL entry. This keyboard type prominently features the space and period (.) characters.
textContentTypeA string value representing the keyboard and system information about the expected semantic meaning for the content that users enter. For a full description of each supported value, go to UITextContentType on Apple, namePrefix, givenName, middleName, familyName, nameSuffix, nickname, jobTitle, organizationName, location, fullStreetAddress, streetAddressLine1, streetAddressLine2, addressCity, addressState, addressCityAndState, sublocality, countryName, postalCode, telephoneNumber, emailAddress, URL, creditCardNumber, username, password, newPassword, oneTimeCode

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