Change Workspace and create new one
  • 16 Jan 2024
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Change Workspace and create new one

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Article summary

When working in a Workspace, you can:

Change Workspace

You can have multiple Workspaces in Simulator and switch between them. To select the workspace you want to work in, in the lower- left corner of the Navigation panel, click the current Workspace name and from the dropdown list, select the needed one.

workspace selection.png

You can perform operations and access the Navigation panel and menu items depending on your role permissions.

Create new Workspace

You can create your Workspaces to work and invite other users. To create a Workspace:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Navigation panel, click the current Workspace name, and then in the dropdown menu, click Create workspace.
    workspace create 1.png

  2. In the New workspace dialog, enter the new workspace name and click Create.
    workspace create 2.png

The new Workspace has been created, and you have the Owner role in this Workspace.

For more information about roles, go to Roles.

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