App Extension Call
  • 05 Jun 2024
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App Extension Call

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Article summary


With App Extension Call, you can call a function/window from the iOS application, to expand Apple Messages for Business capabilities.

App Extension Call

For more information on App Extension Call, go to the official documentation of Apple Messages for Business: iMessage App.


Below, you can see the appExtensionCall task reference in the Attachments State Diagram.

    "abc": {
        "type": "app_extension_call",
        "interactiveData": {
            "appId": 123456789,
            "appName": "Package Delivery",
            "URL": "?name=WWDC%20Goodies&deliveryDate=09-06-2017&destinationName=Moscone%20Convention%20Center&street=747%20Howard%20St&state=CA&city=San%20Fransisco&country=USA&postalCode=94103&latitude=37%2E7831&longitude=%2D122%2E4041&extraCharge=15%2E00",
            "bid": "",
            "sessionIdentifier": "{{uuid}}",
            "receivedMessage": {
                "title": "WWDC Goodies",
                "subtitle": "Scheduled for delivery - Today",
                "secondarySubtitle": "",
                "tertiarySubtitle": "",
                "imageTitle": "",
                "imageSubtitle": ""
            "useLiveLayout": true
        "attachments": []


typestring+A type of an object to send.
interactiveDataobject+An object in which an interactive message is described.
interactiveData.appIdstring+An iMessage extension ID from App Store.
interactiveData.appNamestring+An iMessage extension name.
interactiveData.URLstring+A deep link that is used by the customer to call an iMessage extension.
interactiveData.bidstring+An iMessage extension ID.
interactiveData.sessionIdentifierstring+A background session ID.
receivedMessage.titleobject+An object in where is described how to display a message upon receiving.
receivedMessage.titlestring+An item’s title.
receivedMessage.subtitlestringAn item subtitle.
receivedMessage.imageTitlestringAn attached image name .
receivedMessage.imageSubtitlestringAn attached image subtitle.
interactiveData.useLiveLayoutboolean+A parameter that determines whether iMessage application should use Live Layout. The default value is "true".

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