  • 05 Jun 2024
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Article summary

Using Simulator in the Zoom app

Adding Simulator

To use Simulator in your Zoom app, you need to add Simulator first:

  1. Open your Zoom application, and click the Apps icon (1).
  2. Click the Add Apps tab (2).
  3. Find Simulator.Company app by entering the "Simulator" phrase in the Search App field (3).

add app

  1. Click Get.
  2. Click Request to Add if you are not an account admin and wait for your admin to add the app, or click Add if you are.
  3. Select the needed permissions in the app add dialog, and click Allow.

Signing up to Simulator

If you don't have a Simulator account, create one to start using the app:

  1. Open the Simulator Log in to your account dialog:
    In the Apps icon (1) window:
    a. Click the My Apps tab (2).
    b. Select Simulator.Company in the list (3).


  1. In the Log in to your account dialog, click Sign up.

sign up 1.1

  1. In the Create an account dialog:
    a. Enter the name.
    b. Enter the email.
    c. Enter the password.
    d. Click Proceed to proceed to the account creation.

sign up 2

  1. The Confirm your email address window will open and the confirmation email will be sent to the specified email.

sign up 3

  1. In the specified email account, open the confirmation email and click Confirm.

sign up 4

  1. In the Confirm your email address window, click Return to Login to log in to Simulator under your newly created account.

sign up 5

Logging in to Simulator

If you already have a Simulator account, log in to start using the app:

  1. Open the Simulator Log in to your account dialog:
    In the Apps icon (1) window:
    a. Click the My Apps tab (2).
    b. Select Simulator.Company in the list (3).


  1. In the Log in to your account dialog, use your Apple or Google account (1) or enter your email (2) and password (3), and click Log in (4).

log in

Using Simulator

You can see the Simulator.Company window with the navigation panel hidden (1). Now, you can use Simulator in the Zoom app the same way you use it in your browser. To display and use the Simulator navigation panel, click Menu (2).

opened panel

Navigation panel

Clicking Menu opens the navigation panel on the left side, which you can hide by clicking Menu again.

navigation panel

Logging out of Simulator

To log out of Simulator:

  1. In the Simulator window, click Menu to open the navigation panel.

log out 1

  1. In the navigation panel, near the workspace menu, click your avatar.
  2. In the avatar menu, select Log out.

log out 2

Removing Simulator

To remove Simulator:

  1. On the My Apps tab, click the settings icon.

apps settings

  1. On the Zoom Apps page that opens, click Manage Apps.

zoom apps-manage apps

  1. On the Added Apps page of the Personal App Management section in your user settings, click Remove near the Simulator.Company app.

added apps-remove

  1. In the Remove App dialog, select the reason for removing the app (Optional) and click Remove.

remove app confirmation

Simulator-related data

Removing Simulator.Company app from your Zoom does not affect your Simulator account-related data.

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