  • 08 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

The Transfers page appears on the Navigation panel if you have at least one completed transfer.

A transfer is a transaction that moves the specified value from one or multiple actor accounts (source actors) to the accounts of up to 20 other actors (destination actors) in the same currency. If a transfer involves multiple destination accounts, each destination account is credited with the specified amount accordingly.

Requirements for a transfer successful completion:

  • Transfers can only be made between accounts with the same currency.
  • The transfer cannot be completed if at least one transaction included in a transfer cannot be successfully performed during the transfer (e.g., due to an account limit or balance).

Depending on the account type and currency (numeric values, text strings, actors, and so on), the Make transfer dialog provides different options and sets different transfer requirements.

On the Transfers page, you can see the following:

  1. Left navigation panel
  2. Page name
  3. Tab (Numeric, Form Fields)
  4. Filters (time period, account, type, actor)
  5. Search field (by reference ID or comment)
  6. List of transfers
  7. Search field
  8. Make transfer button
  9. Create actor button
  10. Tab filter
  11. Collapse icon
  12. Invite Users button
  13. Workspace name
  14. Profile menu
  15. Number of pages with transfers

Transfers page

On the Transfers page, you can:

To view transfers on a graph, go to Transfer visualization on graph.

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