Transfer Accounts
  • 09 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Transfer Accounts

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Article summary

You can transfer accounts between different actors, which means unlinking the selected account from one actor and linking it to another, along with all the existing transactions against the account:

accounts transfer.gif

Transferring an Account

To transfer an account:

  1. Select the account you want to transfer from an actor's account list;
  2. Open the account menu by clicking the vertical dots icon;
  3. Select the Transfer accounts item in the menu:

accounts transfer-menu.png

  1. In the Transfer accounts menu, select the actor to which you want to transfer the selected account from the drop-down list of available actors, and click Transfer:

accounts transfer-menu 2.png

After that, the selected account with all its transactions will be unlinked from the previous actor and linked to the selected actor. You can transfer the selected account back to the initial actor if needed.

Original actor of a transaction

In the Transaction history -> Transaction details, you can view detailed information about the selected transaction, including the account against which it was made and the actor to which the account was linked at the time the transaction was made. If the account was transferred to another actor after the transaction was made, the original actor for the transaction will be displayed.

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