Simulator 5.88
  • 06 Dec 2024
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Simulator 5.88

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Article summary

Release date: 2024-11-06


  1. Graph performance has been significantly enhanced:
  • New library implementation for improved layer rendering.
  • Smoother user interface interactions.
  • More responsive layer actions.
  1. Graph anisotropy features have been expanded:
  • Cell focus on click.
  • Keyboard arrow key support for cursor-cell navigation.
  1. Dashboard interface has been redesigned:
  • Replaced Settings dropdown with direct display of date period and account types.
  • Updated dashboard editing form with top actors input (1-100).
  • Enhanced dashboard title visibility.
  • Settings icon now reveals period and account type configurations.
  1. Form creation has been enhanced with the ability to select Actor Bag filters in dropdown blocks.
  2. Actor list sorting has been improved with the new orderWithStarred parameter that places starred actors at the top of the list.
  3. Layer functionality has been expanded with the new defForm account field for Layer actors.

Fixed Issues

  1. Imported actors and graphs don't appear in Actors bag, Graphs sections: Now imported items are properly displayed in their respective sections.
  2. Import fails when attempting to reuse a file with ActorToAttachments: Now file imports work correctly with reuse strategy.
  3. Internal Server Error occurs during quick graph creation: Now multiple graphs can be created in quick succession.
  4. Import error messages didn't indicate duplicate prefix issues: Now error messages clearly state when a prefix already exists.
  5. Widget crashes when Cyrillic characters are used in context: Now widgets properly handle Cyrillic characters.
  6. Disabling coordinates on graphs causes incorrect image data display, missing actor shadows during movement, and inaccurate actor counts after reload: Now all elements display correctly regardless of coordinate settings.
  7. Error "create edge with nonexistant source" appears when moving between layers after cutting and pasting connected actors: Now actor connections maintain integrity across layers.
  8. Dashboards appear off-center when created: Now dashboards open in the correct central position.
  9. The My Verse page displays menus in incorrect locations and fails to load actor avatars: Now the page renders all elements correctly.
  10. Event, dashboard, layer actor traces display incorrectly when moving actors: Now traces appear properly during actor movement.
  11. Actor sum becomes undefined when changing graph settings: Now actor sums maintain correct values when modifying graph settings.

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