Reply to Process
  • 31 Oct 2024
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Reply to Process

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Article summary


The Reply to Process node serves to send data back from the Process that was called by the Call a Process node. This node must be used in conjunction with the Call a Process node and cannot be used alone.
Reply to Process flow

You can use the Reply to Process node to differentiate between valid and invalid responses by marking them later with the Throw exception checkbox. This will separate them into an error node.


The Reply to Process node has the following parameters:

  1. (Optional) Title and Description: Name and details of the node.

  2. Parameters:

    • Throw exception: Informs the main Process that an error has occurred. You can customize the reply by adding an error message..
    • Key: Key to specify variables; use a unique name. When updating existing variables, use their original names as a key.
    • Value: The value you want to assign to the corresponding Key parameter. The value can be a constant, a variable reference, or a function applied to a variable.

    Note: For more information, go to Parameters and functions.

    • Type of data:
      • String (S)
      • Number (N)
      • Boolean (B)
      • Array (A)
      • Object (O)

    Note: For more information, go to Data types.

    • Code editor: Shows the JSON format of the entered key and value. You can write and include additional code, which will be executed when a task enters the node.

      You must set at least one parameter:

      • To add a key-value, click + Add “key-value” below the Key field.
      • To delete the key-value line, click the trash icon Delete icon on the right side of the key-value line. Queue_actions
  3. Other:

    • Alert if the number of tasks in the node queue reaches the following number: Helps monitor whether the number of tasks in the node exceeds the specified threshold. When selecting the checkbox, you have to enter the needed number of tasks in the field that appears below.
    • Maximum interval, for which the task stays in the node before being forwarded: The amount of time a task is allowed to be in the node can be set in seconds, minutes, hours, and days.
      Note: The checkbox has a minimum value of 30 seconds. You can set a shorter interval by using the Unixtime function.

    Reply to Process settings


Basic usage of the Reply to Process node
Description: In the example below, you can see the usage of two Reply to Process nodes in one Process.


  1. Create the Reply Process with one Condition node and two Reply to Process nodes.
  2. Create the Call Process with the Call a Process node that includes the call_param parameter.

The Condition node checks the value of the error parameter:

  • If the value is False, it leads it to the Reply to Process node that has the Throw an exception checkbox cleared.
    Reply to Proc ex_1
    The task is sent back to the connected Call a Process node and has the parameters that were listed in the Reply to Process node.
    Reply to Proc ex_2

  • If the value is True, the task is routed to the Reply to Process node that has the Throw an exception checkbox selected and an error message.
    Reply to Proc ex_3
    The task goes to the Error node of the Call Process and has all the typical error handling parameters, the error message specified before, along with the reply_param value.
    Reply to Proc ex_4

No matter which parameters the task has when entering the Reply to Process node, only the parameters listed in the node will be sent back.

Error handling & troubleshooting

When an error occurs during the task processing, you may see the following error parameter names in the task.

Error parameter nameError type
__conveyor_rpc_reply_return_type_error__Hardware (system error), Software (error in a node logic/settings).
__conveyor_rpc_reply_return_type_tag__*Error tag.
__conveyor_rpc_reply_return_type_description__Error description in human-readable language; can be static or dynamic.

*The error tag __conveyor_rpc_reply_return_type_tag__ may have the following values.

access_deniedYou don't have access to the Process.Contact the Process owner to get access.
access_deniedYou are trying to send or receive tasks from another stage.It's not allowed to get and send tasks between stages. Use the same stage to send and receive tasks.
access_refusedThe Process you are working in is not a State Diagram but it must be a State Diagram.Check the logic of using a State Diagram. For more information, go to State Diagram.
conveyor_is_not_activeThe target Process is not active.Make sure that the Process you are trying to copy the task to is active.
crash_apiError occurred when sending the task to the Process with the Reply to Process node.Contact your administrator for further assistance.
rpc_task_size_overflowThe size of the response data exceeds the limit specified for your environment.Reduce the size of your task by modifying the data or splitting it into several smaller tasks.
wrong_validate_paramsParameter validation error.Check the types and values of the parameters you have specified in the Reply to Process node.
rpc_task_wrong_convert_paramParameter value failed to convert.Check and correct the data type of the parameter mentioned in the error message.
rpc_reply_task_wrong_convert_paramThere is an incorrect value in dynamic parameters that cannot be converted to a given data type.Correct the value in dynamic parameters.
not_unical_refTask reference is not unique.Check if there is no task with the specified reference in the Process you are trying to send a task to.
not_found_main_nodeThe Start node is missing in the Process to which you are replying.Check whether the Start node exists in the Process you are replying to.
conv_not_found_or_deletedYou are trying to work with a non-existent Process.Use an existing Process.
not_found_conv_by_aliasYour alias refers to a Process that no longer exists.Use an existing Process.
conv_not_found_or_deletedYou are trying to work with a non-existent Process.Use an existing Process.
rpc_reply_task_size_overflow_limitThe size of the task data exceeds the specified limit set for your environment.Reduce the size of your task.
rpc_reply_exceptionThere is an unexpected error.Contact the support team for further assistance.
rpc_task_eq_convsYou are trying to copy your task to itself.Choose another task to copy or as a target to copy yours in.
bad_callback_nodeThe Process you are calling doesn't have the Callback node.Create the Callback node in the Process you are calling.
rpc_task_fatal_errorError of sending the task to the Process with the Reply to Process node.Contact your administrator for further assistance.

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