Quick Reply
  • 05 Jun 2024
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Quick Reply

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Article summary


With Quick Reply, you can show from two to five customizable choices, and the user can select only one item.

Quick Reply

For more information on Rich Link, go to the official documentation of Apple Messages for Business: Quick Reply Message.


Below, you can see the quickReply task reference in the Attachments State Diagram.

    "abc": {
        "type": "quick_reply",
        "quick_reply": {
            "summaryText": "{{t'key_from_local_1}}",
            "items": [
                    "identifier": "yes",
                    "title": "{{t'key_from_local_2}}"
                    "identifier": "menu",
                    "title": "{{t'key_from_local_3}}"


typestring+A type of an object to send.
quick_replyobject+An object, in which all Quick Reply parameters are described.
quick_reply.summaryTextstring+A summary text that will be used for device notification but also shown in the transcript after user makes a choice.
quick_reply.itemsarray+An array of section items.
quick_reply.items[].titlestring+Title of the Quick Reply item. Max one line of text.
quick_reply.items[].identifierstringAn identifier to identify the item.

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