Older Versions
  • 07 Oct 2021
  • 15 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
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Older Versions

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Article summary



  1. Added new logic GIT Call. Now you could build additional logic for tasks processing with using external libraries. More information about using GIT Call you could read in documentation.
    Example with using moment library from GitHub:


  2. Now CONV function allows you to get any inclusions of the task parameters from State Diagram, also array elements.



  3. Added UUID and Crypto support in Erlang language in Code logic.


  1. Increased input field for error message ("Throw exception" checkbox) in the Reply to Process logic.
  2. Bug with connecting accounts Corezoid and Sender after creating company in Sender.
  3. Bug with reading tasks from the deleted state diagram.
  4. Bug with checking rights for Copy task/Modify task/Call Process after moving object from/to shared folder.
  5. Incorrect work of logic Condition when checking conditions for an empty object or array.



  • Added file upload master. Now you can observe status of download:



  • Fixed validation of email with using letters in different registers. While adding email with letters in different registers - email would be reduced to lower case.
  • Fixed error in incorrect download tasks in csv file from processes.



  • If there are any errors in the process after creating from file - it would be loaded in the Paused state. To Deploy this process, you must fix all errors.
  • Now you can use construction:

    to specify a value in API Call and Sender Action logics:



  • Displaying of metrics from deleted processes on dashboard.
  • Access to the object for group owner when sharing for the User group.
  • Validation of required input parameters when copying tasks to the process using logics.
  • Validation of data type for input parameters when copying tasks to the process using logics or loading via Direct url.



  • Now you can search processes and state diagrams:
    • by ID;
    • by name;
    • by URL which is used in API Call logic;
    • by node ID.

  • The same search is available in Process field for logics Copy task, Modify task, Call Process, Get from queue.

  • Now deleted objects are stored in the Trash for 90 days. After 90 days, the deleted objects from Trash will be deleted forever.

  • In Sharing settings you can search users:

    • by login
    • by email
    • by phone
  • Now you can get full task (object with all task parameters) using construction:


  • Now you can cancel masking values of two-dimensional array specifying it as in Task Parameters:



  • Displaying of tooltip with cropped user code from logic Code in Edit and View mode.



  • Corezoid interface now includes the option to switch to the dark mode:




  • Users and API keys can only be deleted by the owner of the company

  • If there is no access rights to the process which is specified in the logics, an error is displayed and it contains Account ID and email of process owner:


  • In case you need to change process owner and the process calls other one without access rights an error is displayed. This error contains process ID and its owner's Account ID and email:


  • If the process is created from a file or by copying and there are any Deploy error in it, process' status will be switched to "Paused".

  • Continue processing of the task after the process status returns to active.


  • If status of the process which is specified in logics Copy task, Modify task, Call Process, Get from queue is debug, paused or blocked an error "Only active process can be used" is displayed.
  • The name of parameters can now contain the ":" symbol when added to Task parameters.



  • Task from Task archive can now be expanded to see in Code editor.



  • Offset of connecting line between nodes after node renaming
  • Some fixes to work correctly in Mozilla Firefox:
    • displaying of long object names in Workspace;
    • displaying of long groups and api keys names in Users&Groups;
    • displaying of Delete button in Sharing settings window;
    • incorrect moving of multiple objects to folder.



  • Displaying the "called process doesn't found" error text, when deleted process or process from other company is specified in logic.


  • The response to the "type":"create","obj":"obj_copy" request now contains old and new object identifiers (obj_id) of nested objects.


  • Incorrect date (e.g., "03.04.2018 24:67:31") as a result of arithmetic operations with the arguments in the $.date()function;
  • Displaying Deploy button when you switch Edit ↔ View without without changing the process
  • Missing node identifier right after the creation;
  • User group search in Sharing settings, if user is added to someone's group;
  • The "not_found_main_node" error when copying tasks to the process which was created from file and has no deployed version (before Deploy new tasks will stop at the start node);
  • The ability to copy or create from file process with Sender Form and Sender Action logics in My Corezoid.



  • Now you can cancel delete action by pressing the undo button. In the Trash, when you restore objects, you can use buttons:
    • locate - go to the folder with the restored object
    • undo recovery
      Now ask for confirmation when you click Delete forever button
  • The response to the request "type":"create","obj":"obj_copy" contains old and new object identifiers (obj_id)
  • The window for selecting key and value in the logics was updated:
    To select a key, the window is called Select parameter and selection is available from the tabs:
  • When adding a user in the Sharing settings the View access is automatically checked.


  • Adding a description of parameters from the Task archive without escaping ('\') special characters in the name;
  • When the node was deleted, the tasks in it were not deleted;
  • Search for a user in the Sharing settings, if you just paste the e-mail;
  • No error when copying a process, in which there is a node with the Code logic without filling in the code;
  • No error when trying to copy a deleted folder;
  • Displaying the value of the parameter of Boolean type in the Code editor as false if it is not set by a constant (e.g., {{param}});
  • The occurrence of errors "Value 'null' is not valid for key 'err_node_id'” and “Value 'null' is not allowed for the 'err_node_id' after the recovery of escalation nodes;
  • Masking values in the array (even after the parameter description) if it has the form like:
      "arr": [
    To cancel masking specify it as follows:




  • Changeover to SSL TLS protocol version 1.2. Check your APIs.


  • An error occurred while selecting the archive in the statistics of the Custom range period for more than a month


  • Adding parameters via Add parameter in logics.



  • Window Task Parameters now is divided for parameters tabs Input, Local and Output. Also added buttons Copy and Paste for parameters value.


  • The button for creating escalation nodes was moved from the settings panel to the error notification:


  • Design updates:

    • the offset of focus when switching Edit ↔ View mode was fixed
    • new buttons History and Info in Edit mode of process



  • Incorrect selection of the company when copying objects via the Make a copy;
  • Empty task reference after specifying the reference from the last column during the import from CSV;
  • When you add a node by clicking on the logics panel, the logic settings panel opens immediately;
  • Displaying value false (Boolean) instead of 0 (Number) in Table display mode of Task Archive;
  • Rare cases of error in 1 second when using functions $.date() and `$.unixtime() in logics several times, e.g.:
     "start": "$.date(%y%m%d%h%i%s)",
     "stop": "$.date(%y%m%d%h%i%s)"



  • New design and features of Task parameters:

    • added new tab - Code Editor (in order to copy parameters in JSON format between processes)
    • button + Add parameter is now placed under the parameters
    • new buttons Save (save all changes) and Cancel (close without saving)
    • button + Add parameter can now add multiple empty fields for new parameters
    • Description now is optional field
    • Checkbox Output was deleted
  • Activity Monitor tab improvements:

    • charts' size and location can now be changed
    • displaying preloaders after settings for the statistic have been changed
    • dynamic charts are resizing when the browser window is changing size
  • Saving focus and zoom when switching mode Edit ↔ View. After opening or reloading the page focus moves to the start node


  • Improved the selection of the range in Custom range (dashboards, nodes and process statistics):

    • ability to enter manually hours and minutes
    • the default time for Start is 00:00 and for End is 23:59.

  • URL API callback in the node with the Waiting for Callback logic can now be copied directly after creation (before pressing Deploy)



  • Display an error on the node after it has been fixed
  • The absence of the object after moving it through the folders via Drag'n'Drop without reloading page



  • Save focus (zoom and coordinates) when switching between EditViewEdit modes


  • Added hot keys in Edit, View and Debug modes:

    • Delete selected nodes - backspace/delete
    • Copy selected nodes - Ctrl + c
    • Insert nodes - Ctrl + v
    • Deploy process - Ctrl + s
    • Undo - Ctrl + z
    • Redo - Ctrl + y
    • Collapse/expand node - Ctrl + m
    • Select all nodes - Ctrl + a
    • Full-screen mode F10 (tabs View/Edit with focus on the canvas)
    • Switch to the tab View - Ctrl+Shift+W
    • Switch to the tab Edit - Ctrl+Shift+E
    • Switch to the tab Debug - Ctrl+Shift+D
  • Added possibility to send all parameters Send to all in logic Call Process


  • Implemented the ability to remove a selection from one node with multiple selection


  • Added Account ID


  • History module updated and added new statuses


  • Display a list of errors with links to nodes. When you click on an error in the list, a node with an error opens



  • Fixed response format from the service in NVP format from numeric to string



  • Unmasking the task reference with the Mask REF in process parameters:


  • Array name (without index) and key name can now be specified in process parameters to disable masking key values for a whole array: arr[].key

  • Option for displaying system parameters task :


  • Task system parameters can now be selected for export to CSV:


  • When you add a new node, the edit panel automatically opens, the focus is on the title field (button Delete doesn't delete node).


  • Incorrect display of several charts of the dashboard when the window is resized. Now the charts are moved down and scrolling is available
  • The availability of the Modify and Delete buttons in Task archive, if user has only View access rights
  • The opportunity to Deploy process after downloading from a file if it has links to processes from other company
  • Closing the information panel when page with processes is refreshed
  • Parameter with escaping square brackets can now be specified in the value

For example:
Parameter name contains square brackets: "task[update][date]": "04.12.2017

To get this parameter value escape square brackets with a backslash:




  • Updated Corezoid interface:
    • tabs of the environment were renamed as follows: Monitor → Activity Monitor, Files → Workspace, Users → Users & Groups)
    • on tab Users&Groups, in section Users/API keys, all users/API keys are displayed including those that belong to the groups (when deleted from the list, they are also deleted from the group)
    • the drop-down list for selection a company (and creating) is a separate block and is common to all tabs
    • displaying the folder tree with processes


  • Nested objects and array elements can now be declared in process parameters with enabled Auto-clear checkbox. If parameter name contains a full stop, you must escape it with a backslash.


  • The name of the parameters can now contain the "#", "@" symbols;

  • When the node is copied, the focus moves to the copy and the editing panel opens for the new node;

  • Parameter URL in API Call logic is now validated: a value which starts with http or https is allowed, and it could be set dynamically by task parameters;

  • New request format for API Corezoid; "type":"list","obj":"company_users". "type":"list","obj":"company_members" requests and "type":"list","obj":"groups_users" are not supported.


  • No Modify button for the task, if it was found by "ref/id" search

  • No processes in Favorites panel (Edit mode) if the process is in the company


  • Error when a float number for a value of a Number type parameter was entered in Add task;

  • Access error with process in folder, in case only the folder is shared;

  • The opportunity to Deploy process after downloading from a file if it has links to non-existent processes.



  • New calendar for specifying Custom Range for dashboards, for data display in the "Monitor" tab and for the Statistics

  • The "." symbol can now be used in parameter name, you only need to put a backslash "\" before it.
    For example, to make a condition for the ab.new parameter (not the "ab" object with the "new" property) it'll look like this:



  • "Process not found" error while searching in the logics (Copy task, Modify task, etc.) by the name of the process and it's in the shared folder;
  • No error when deleted object id added to favorites;
  • Displaying old name of the Start node after renaming;
  • Problems with displaying the new entered password in the recovery procedure.



  • Clicking the Modify button in the Task Archive now opens Add new panel with the task params for editing:


  • Dashboard for adding linked chart can now be searched by name:


One time export for a preset period of time now can't exceed 50,000 tasks.


  • Masking of three-digit numbers when the parameter is declared in Task Parameters
  • Incorrect displaying of Start and End nodes after double-click in View mode



  • In case of errors of import from CSV, user can now get error reports in an email.
  • Task import from CSV can now be canceled:


User will receive email and report with tasks which are not imported.

  • A preset period of time for export to CSV can now be specified:


  • In case of the "conveyorapireturn_description": "no_scheme" error in logic API Call task now goes to final node.

  • The Clear values button is now added for clearing parameter values when adding a task:


  • Request "type":"modify","obj":"node" in API Corezoid now can't change node type.


  • Clearing parameters of a previously added task via Add Task;
  • Incorrect display of the drop-down list for switching the parameter name to reference in import from CSV;
  • Incorrect display of Custom range for Statistics mode in Task Archive;
  • Inactive Add task button when adding required input parameters via Code editor;
  • Displaying objects from My Corezoid in tree view for new company without folders.



  • Secret key in "API Call" logic settings now can be specified by dynamic key:


  • New http_res_code parameter (HTTP status code) is now added to the answer when the Debug info flag is enabled in "API Call" settings:



  • Error loading from CSV file in Windows-1251 encoding
  • An empty response when calling a process using "Call Process" in Keys mode with the enabled Throw exception flag;
  • Incorrect processing of JSON standard RFC 7159 in logic "API Call";
  • Displaying task parameter of String type as a Number type, if it contains a number.



  • Function selection was added to specify value for param:


  • Custom range of task export to CSV now can be filled with the number of tasks in the node by default;

  • System parameter with source information (IP address, filename) can now be added after import from CSV


  • Option "Sort automatically" ("sort" = true|false) was added in settings of Funnel chart in dashboards. Enabling it allows sorting metrics automatically in descending order.


  • Display the Add task active button if the required process parameters are not filled in;
  • Incorrect display of long task reference in "Task Archive" for horizontal scrolling;
  • Display empty metrics name on dashboard if the node doesn't have a custom name



  • Processes which are specified in Reply to Process, Copy task, Modify task logics can now be opened from View mode


  • Nodes with Code logic can now be copied with their content;

  • Nodes, which are specified in Condition logic can now be selected;

  • User code can now be formatted in the Code editor of the Code logic


  • In Corezoid API v2, the conv_id parameter was renamed to obj_id in requests with "type":"list" and "type":"modify":

    {"ops":[{"obj_id":<conv_id>, "type":"modify", "obj":"conv_params", "params":[...]}]}
    {"ops":[{"obj_id":<conv_id>, "type":"list", "obj":"conv_params", ...}]}


  • Fixed incorrect operation of the Modify task logic with "Synchronous callback" option enabled;
  • Fixed errors in XML conversion.



  • Node to go from minimized node (only exit) now can be specified by clicking "+";

  • Escalation nodes now can be created if they are missed or accidentally deleted:


  • The condition for the transition to a node now can be displayed in tooltips when user hovers mouse over the link arc in View mode;

  • The escalation node of the Modify Task logic now contains a new condition for duplicate_callback;

  • Node (or set of nodes) now can be minimized/maximized using the "ctrl+m" ("cmd+m") hotkey;

  • The Waiting for callback logic now contains the new "Synchronous" (is_sync = true) option for checking modified task. Enable this option is checking - whether current node is appropriated to the specified CallbackURL (not in other node with another callback);

  • When you create a BotPlatform a link to the documentation is shown.



  • CallbackURL of a node now can be received using the structure;
  • Module for import/export tasks in CSV files;
  • DirectURL of processes from folder specified in logics now can be automatically changed while creating folder from a file;
  • New interface for dashboard;
  • Validation during the construction of the logic through Corezoid API v2 (“go” logic always goes after main logic “API, RPC, etc... );
  • The X-Corezoid-TaskID parameter (= task_id of current task) now can be transmitted in a request header using the API Call logic for calling third-party API;
  • New version of BotPlatform processes with new features:
    • functionality for operator connection;
    • "Command Lang" process template for setting Bot communication language;
    • Texts state diagram with tasks for specification of buttons in Viber, Telegram, Facebook.

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