Licenses & Billing
  • 07 Mar 2024
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Licenses & Billing

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Article summary

License is a digital record (for the Cloud delivery option) or a separate file (for the In-House delivery option) that enhances the capabilities of your Simulator.Company use.

License attributes

The license attributes apply to all Processes created by users in Workspaces owned by the License holder. The license attributes are:

  • State changes: Occur when a task moves from one node to another. For the Paid Cloud License, you get 1, 5, 10 M paid state changes per month. For the Paid In-House License, you get any defined amount of free state changes.
    Note: If you haven't used up all your state changes, the remaining state changes are reset and do not carry over to the next month.

  • RPS (Request per second): Represents the number of tasks that can be sent to all your Processes within one second. For the Paid Cloud License, you get 5, 25, 50 free RPS per month. For the Paid In-House License, you get any amount of paid RPS per month.

  • Storage: Is the space occupied by Simulator.Company in your cloud. By default, you get 15 GB of storage per month for free.

  • Support: Includes the Basic, Business, or Enterprise plan.

License types

Free Cloud License

A Free Cloud License is a free license, which is generated for all registered users and has an unlimited duration. When a Paid Cloud License is purchased, the free one is deactivated, but it can be generated again if the Paid Cloud License expires.
Note: Free Cloud License can only be used in the Cloud delivery option of the Simulator.
Free Cloud License has pre-installed attributes:

  • RPS = 5
  • State changes = 1 M
  • Storage = 15 GB

Paid Cloud License

The Paid Cloud License is a paid license in which you can specify all the attribute values (state changes, RPS, storage, and support plan) according to your pricing plan.
If the validity period of the Paid Cloud License has expired and a new Paid Cloud License was not purchased, then a Free Cloud License will be automatically generated for the user, but they won’t have any state changes transferred.
Note: If a user requires a bigger amount of RPS and a larger storage capacity, we recommend switching to the In-House delivery option.

Paid In-House License

A Paid In-House License can be applied to a dedicated environment. You can choose any RPS value according to your pricing plan. Storage and available state changes are not priced or limited; they depend on the resources of your dedicated environment. Unlike the Paid Cloud License, you can purchase and use multiple active Paid In-House Licenses. Paid In-House Licenсes can be downloaded as a file and applied to a dedicated environment.

License statuses

A license can have the following statuses:

  • Pending: Ordered but not paid for.

  • Active: A Paid and a Free Cloud License immediately get the Active status.

  • In Cancellation: The subscription has been canceled, but the last day of the paid period has not yet come.

  • Canceled:

    • The paid period has ended.
    • The license has not been paid for within 3 days of ordering.
    • The user has bought a new Paid Cloud License.
  • Expiring: The status is only possible for In-House Licenсes; the environment will continue to work for an additional month after the license expiration date.

  • Blocked: The license is blocked by the Simulator.


  • A license with the Active, In Cancellation, or Expiring status is considered active and provides an unrestricted use in Simulator.
  • A license with the Pending, Canceled, or Blocked status is considered inactive. Limitations depend on the conditions.

Payment policy

When you are using any type of paid license, you have to follow our payment policy:

  • Monthly payment: If you make the payment on time or within the next three business days after the payment day, you can continue using your license, and your next payment day is the same date next month.
  • Yearly payment: If you make the payment on time or within the next three business days after the payment day, you can continue using your license, you get your paid amount of state changes every month, and your next payment day is the same date of the next year.
  • Payment by invoice: You make payment on time monthly or yearly, and you can continue using your license.

Note: if you don't make the payment on time and within the next three business days after the payment day, your current license is canceled, and you get a free license without state changes.

For example, your payment day is the 19th of December. The following cases may occur:

  1. Your payment card is active. You make the payment on the 19th of December, you've got the appropriate amount of state changes, and you can continue using your license.
  2. Your payment card is not active or you don't have enough funds on your card. The system will try to make the payment using your payment card within the next three business days, and you can continue using your state changes if you still have those. The payment is made within the defined period, you can continue using your license, and your next payment day is the 19th of January.
  3. Your payment card is not active or you don't have enough funds on your card. The system will try to get the payment from your card within the next three business days, and you can continue using your state changes if you still have those. The payment is not made, your current license is canceled, and you get a free license without state changes.

For more information on managing a license, go to View and manage your license.

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