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Examples of tasks creation and modification

Examine a basic API request-response example and see how to add and modify tasks in a Corezoid process using different languages:
Corezoid API basic request and response example
The example flow is the following:
- Сreate three tasks to the Test process (process ID 1234) from the API user (user ID is 13000).
- By default, all new tasks go to the starting node called Login (node id is n10221).
- Use:
- The URL example to make the request: https://api.corezoid.com/api/1/json/13000/{GMT_UNIXTIME}/{SIGNATURE}.
as an external (for process) task identifier and optional parameter used in case of reverse interaction with a system that created a request.
Response (in case of successful operation)
-export([send_to_conv/6, test/0]).
test() ->
%Conveyor url
ConvUrl = "https://api.corezoid.com",
%Conveyor ID
ConvId = <<"5555">>,
%API user login (Conveyor with given ConvId has to be shared for this API user)
ApiUser = "555",
%API User Secret Key
ApiSecret = <<"qjVXiaXFazSCtIvMTjW29cZbPkzeYUzCzGmmrcJtIIj2eqceUm">>,
% unique task reference, optional
Reference = integer_to_binary(rand:uniform(100000000)),
% Data for processing
Data = <<"{\"phone\":\"client_phone\",\"name\":\"client_name\"}">>,
{ok, Response} = send_to_conv(ConvUrl, ConvId, ApiUser, ApiSecret, Reference, Data),
-spec send_to_conv(ConvUrl, ConvId, ApiUser, ApiSecret, Reference, Data) -> {ok, binary()} when
ConvUrl :: list(),
ConvId :: binary(),
ApiUser :: list(),
ApiSecret :: binary(),
Reference :: binary(),
Data :: binary().
send_to_conv(ConvUrl, ConvId, ApiUser, ApiSecret, Reference, Data) ->
% start inets app for httpc client
%Time in unix format
Time = erlang:integer_to_binary(unixtime()),
%Request with one element (could be many) in ops array for task create
Request = <<"{\"ops\":[{\"ref\":\"", Reference/binary, "\",\"type\":\"create\",\"obj\":\"task\",\"conv_id\":\"",
ConvId/binary, "\",\"data\":", Data/binary, "}]}">>,
%Generate Sign
Sign = create_sign(<<Time/binary, ApiSecret/binary, Request/binary, ApiSecret/binary>>),
Url = ConvUrl ++ "/api/1/json/" ++ ApiUser ++ "/" ++ binary_to_list(Time) ++ "/" ++ binary_to_list(Sign),
{ok, {{_, 200, _}, _, Response}} = httpc:request(post, {Url, [], "application/octet-stream", Request}, [{timeout, 10000}], []),
{ok, Response}.
{A,B,_C} = timestamp(),
A*1000000 + B.
create_sign(Bin) ->
list_to_binary(list_to_hexstr(binary_to_list(crypto:hash(sha, Bin)))).
list_to_hexstr([]) ->
list_to_hexstr([H|T]) ->
to_hex(H) ++ list_to_hexstr(T).
to_hex(N) when N < 256 ->
[hex(N div 16), hex(N rem 16)].
hex(V) ->
V < 10 ->
$0 + V;
true ->
$a + (V - 10)
SDK for the work middleware.biz:
import com.corezoid.sdk.entity.CorezoidMessage;
import com.corezoid.sdk.entity.RequestOperation;
import com.corezoid.sdk.utils.HttpManager;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import org.apache.http.HttpException;
public class MiddlewareCreate {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// ID process
String conv_id = "15476";
// API user settings
String apiLogin = "5965";
String apiSecret = "VjKyfIuVAFOGGZwLLFfkHvrTPFUTBBP6E3A8596vIj5jiwqSsK";
// Create task
JSONObject data = new JSONObject()
.element("phone", "+380989055434")
.element("nick", "Test Nick");
String ref = "test" + System.currentTimeMillis() + new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt(1000);
RequestOperation operation = RequestOperation.create(conv_id, ref, data);
// Add task to list
List<RequestOperation> ops = Arrays.asList(operation);
// Build a Message
ConveyorMessage message = ConveyorMessage.request(apiSecret, apiLogin, ops);
// Create HttpManager instance
HttpManager http = new HttpManager();
// Send all tasks to Middleware
String answer = http.send(message);
} catch (HttpException ex) {
SDK for the work Corezoid.com:
Example of loading request into the process ID 1635:
include_once('Corezoid.php'); // Corezoid class
// API user settings
$api_login = '1234';
$api_secret = 'Iw5N12MYleOULxdfMH43SK9ZAmjPyFKtdhToiL38xIBz6ecdZxW';
// Init Corezoid class
$CZ = new Corezoid($api_login, $api_secret);
// Add new task
$ref1 = time().'_'.rand();
$task1 = array('phone' => '+380989055434', 'nick' => 'Test Nick');
// ID process
$process_id = 1635;
$CZ->add_task($ref1, $process_id, $task1);
// Send all tasks to Corezoid.com
$res = $CZ->send_tasks();
Below you can find examples of
- Creating a new task
- Creating a new process
- Getting a Corezoid object URL
- Downloading a Corezoid object by URL
- Uploading a Corezoid object
Creating new task
Example of creating a new task with the reference ref_32353 to the process with ID 1664 from the user with ID 985:
TIME=$(echo $(($(date +%s))))
\"ops\" : [{
\"ref\" : \"ref_32353\",
\"type\" : \"create\",
\"obj\" : \"task\",
\"conv_id\" : ${CONV_ID},
\"data\" : {\"key1\" : \"val1\", \"key2\" : \"val2\"}
SIGNATURE=$(echo -n "${TIME}${CONV_USER_PASS}${JSON}${CONV_USER_PASS}" | openssl dgst -sha1 | awk '{print $NF}')
REQ=$(curl --silent -XPOST ${API_URL}${CONV_USER_ID}/${TIME}/${SIGNATURE} --data "${JSON}")
echo "Result: ${REQ}"
Creating new process
# Before you can start using Corezoid API you need to create an API key and get an authorization login and secret key.
# Create file with this script
# Check if file allowed for executing as program
# Allow executing as a program - chmod +x ./../conveyor_api_multipart/download_sh
# https://doc.corezoid.com/docs/protocol-description-v2
# Manage api_keys - https://admin.corezoid.com/users/api_key
# Set your env variables
API_KEY_LOGIN="{{API_KEY_LOGIN}}" # authorization login of your API key (for example {{API_KEY_LOGIN}} = 32
API_KEY_SECRET="{{API_KEY_SECRET}}" # a secret key of your API key
API_URL="{{API_URL}}" # URL to download_sh endpoint (for example {{API_URL}} = https://admin.corezoid.com/api/2/json
TIMESTAMP=$(printf $(($(date +%s))))
\"ops\": [
\"title\": \"Test\",
\"description\": \"\",
\"folder_id\": 0,
\"obj\": \"conv\",
\"create_mode\": \"without_nodes\",
\"conv_type\": \"process\",
\"type\": \"create\",
\"status\": \"active\"
SIGNATURE=$(printf "${TIMESTAMP}${API_KEY_SECRET}${BODY}${API_KEY_SECRET}" | openssl dgst -sha1 | awk '{printf $NF}')
REQ=$(curl --silent --header "Content-Type: ${CONTENT_TYPE}" -XPOST "${API_URL}/${API_KEY_LOGIN}/${TIMESTAMP}/${SIGNATURE}" --data "${BODY}")
printf "Result: ${REQ}"
Getting Corezoid object URL
# Before you can start using Corezoid API you need to create an API key and get an authorization login and secret key.
# Create file with this script
# Check if file allowed for executing as program
# Allow executing as a program - chmod +x ./../conveyor_api_multipart/download_sh
# https://doc.corezoid.com/docs/protocol-description-v2
# Manage api_keys - https://admin.corezoid.com/users/api_key
# Set your env variables
# {{OBJ_ID}}, {{OBJ_TYPE}}, {{COMPANY_ID}}, {{ASYNC}}
API_KEY_LOGIN="{{API_KEY_LOGIN}}" # authorization login of your API key (for example {{API_KEY_LOGIN}} = 32
API_KEY_SECRET="{{API_KEY_SECRET}}" # a secret key of your API key
API_URL="{{API_URL}}" # URL to download_sh endpoint (for example {{API_URL}} = https://admin.corezoid.com/api/2/download
OBJ_ID={{OBJ_ID}} # ID of object (for example {{OBJ_ID}} = 316494)
OBJ_TYPE="{{OBJ_TYPE}}" # Type of object, possible values: conv | folder | dashboard
COMPANY_ID="{{COMPANY_ID}}" # company id (for examole {{COMPANY_ID}} = i814004545)
ASYNC={{ASYNC}} # possible values: true | false
TIMESTAMP=$(printf $(($(date +%s))))
\"ops\": [
\"obj_type\": \"${OBJ_TYPE}\",
\"obj\": \"obj_scheme\",
\"obj_id\": ${OBJ_ID},
\"async\": ${ASYNC}
SIGNATURE=$(printf "${TIMESTAMP}${API_KEY_SECRET}${BODY}${API_KEY_SECRET}" | openssl dgst -sha1 | awk '{printf $NF}')
REQ=$(curl --silent -XPOST "${API_URL}/${API_KEY_LOGIN}/${TIMESTAMP}/${SIGNATURE}" --data "${BODY}")
printf "Result: ${REQ}"
Downloading Corezoid object by URL
# Before you can start using Corezoid API you need to create an API key and get an authorization login and secret key.
# Create file with this script
# Check if file allowed for executing as program
# Allow executing as a program - chmod +x ./../conveyor_api_multipart/download_sh
# https://doc.corezoid.com/docs/protocol-description-v2
# Manage api_keys - https://admin.corezoid.com/users/api_key
# Set your env variables
API_KEY_LOGIN="{{API_KEY_LOGIN}}" # authorization login of your API key (for example {{API_KEY_LOGIN}} = 32
API_KEY_SECRET="{{API_KEY_SECRET}}" # a secret key of your API key
DOWNLOAD_URL="{{DOWNLOAD_URL}}" # You can get from "get -> obj_scheme" request (for example {{DOWNLOAD_URL}} = # https://admin.corezoid.com/user_downloads/folder_1_1580304112.json
TIMESTAMP=$(printf $(($(date +%s))))
SIGNATURE=$(printf "${TIMESTAMP}${API_KEY_SECRET}${BODY}${API_KEY_SECRET}" | openssl dgst -sha1 | awk '{printf $NF}')
printf "Result: ${REQ}"
Uploading Corezoid object
# Before you can start using Corezoid API you need to create an API key and get an authorization login and secret key.
# Create file with this script
# Check if file allowed for executing as program
# Allow executing as a program - chmod +x ./../conveyor_api_multipart/download_sh
# Set your env variables
# https://doc.corezoid.com/docs/protocol-description-v2
# Manage api_keys - https://admin.corezoid.com/users/api_key
API_KEY_LOGIN="{{API_KEY_LOGIN}}" # authorization login of your API key (for example {{API_KEY_LOGIN}} = 32
API_KEY_SECRET="{{API_KEY_SECRET}}" # a secret key of your API key
API_URL="{{API_URL}}" # URL to download_sh endpoint (for example {{API_URL}} = https://admin.corezoid.com/api/2/upload
COMPANY_ID="{{COMPANY_ID}}" # company id (for examole {{COMPANY_ID}} = i814004545)
FOLDER_ID="{{FOLDER_ID}}" # foder id for upload objects (for example {{FOLDER_ID}} = 0)
ASYNC="{{ASYNC}}" # possible values: true | false
FILE_DIR_PATH="{{FILE_DIR_PATH}}" # Path to local file dir (for example {{FILE_DIR_PATH}} = /home)
FILE_NAME="{{FILE_NAME}}" # File name (for example {{FILE_NAME}} = test.json)
CONTENT_TYPE="{{CONTENT_TYPE}}" # possible values: application/json | application/zip
TMP_FILE_PATH="./gen_signature" # path to tmp file
TIMESTAMP=$(printf $(($(date +%s))))
BODY="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"type\"\r\ncreateContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"obj\"\r\nobj_schemeContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"folder_id\"\r\n${FOLDER_ID}Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"async\"\r\n${ASYNC}Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"company_id\"\r\n${COMPANY_ID}Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"scheme\"; filename=\"${FILE_NAME}\"\r\nContent-Type: ${CONTENT_TYPE}\r\n"
SIGNATURE=$(openssl dgst -sha1 $TMP_FILE_PATH | awk '{printf $NF}')
--header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
--form "type=create" \
--form "obj=obj_scheme" \
--form "folder_id=${FOLDER_ID}" \
--form "async=${ASYNC}" \
--form "company_id=${COMPANY_ID}" \
--form "scheme=@${FILE_PATH};type=${CONTENT_TYPE}"
printf "Result: ${REQ}"
SDK for the work Corezoid.com:
This module helps you send and modify tasks to Corezoid processes.
from Corezoid import Corezoid
# Insert Corezoid Process credentials
# Learn more about credentials: https://doc.corezoid.com/en/interface/access_management.html
# Initialize Corezoid SDK
# There are 2 methods available: send and modify tasks.
# Learn more about Corezoid API: https://doc.corezoid.com/en/api/upload_data/
# Send a new task to Corezoid process
def send_task(ref, data):
# ref: string. Can be a custom value. By default it's a timestamp.
# data: JSON. Must be a JSON object.
c.create_task(ref, data)
# Modify an existing task by ref at Corezoid process
def modify_task(ref, data):
# ref: string. Can be a custom value. By default it's a timestamp.
# data: JSON. Must be a JSON object.
c.modify_task(ref, data)
Below you can find examples of:
Modifying task by reference
Example flow:
- Send the request with the reference 130605ref1 for processing to http://my.api.com/getData via the API method.
- Process the request on api.my.com resource asynchronously.
- Receive a callback with the results.
Example of URL to which requests will be sent: https://api.corezoid.com/api/1/json/13000/{GMT_UNIXTIME}/{SIGNATURE}
Response of a process after callback successfully accepted:
The "checkedClient":"true"
parameter and its value will be added to the request with the 130605ref1 reference. After that request leaves standby mode in api_callback and proceeds to perform the corresponding logic.
Modifying task with Java SDK
SDK for the work middleware.biz:
import com.corezoid.sdk.entity.CorezoidMessage;
import com.corezoid.sdk.entity.RequestOperation;
import com.corezoid.sdk.utils.HttpManager;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import org.apache.http.HttpException;
public class MiddleWareModify {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// ID process
String conv_id = "15476";
// API user settings
String apiLogin = "5965";
String apiSecret = "VjKyfIuVAFOGGZwLLFfkHvrTPFUTBBP6E3A8596vIj5jiwqSsK";
// ModifÏy task
String ref = "test141874099180849";
JSONObject data = new JSONObject()
.element("phone", "+380989055434")
.element("ref", "test141874099180849");
RequestOperation operation = RequestOperation.modifyRef(conv_id, ref, data);
// Add task to list
List<RequestOperation> ops = Arrays.asList(operation);
// Build a Message
ConveyorMessage message = ConveyorMessage.request(apiSecret, apiLogin, ops);
// Create HttpManager instance
HttpManager http = new HttpManager();
// Send all tasks to Middleware
String answer = http.send(message);
} catch (HttpException ex) {
For more information on asynchronous API methods, go to Corezoid API reference.