  • 06 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

On the Events page, you can view and manage the personalized streams of events you participate in. An event can be any messenger event, comment or dialog reaction, email, calendar event, reminder, escalation, document flow event, or any other system event in Simulator.

On the Events page, you can see the following:

  1. Left navigation panel
  2. Tabs (All, To Sign, To Do, Starred)
  3. Event details (creation date, due date, description, number of comments, participants, event price)
  4. Search field
  5. Split view button
  6. Create event button
  7. Create actor button
  8. Events filter
  9. Tab filter
  10. Collapse button
  11. Invite Users button
  12. Change workspace option
  13. Profile menu

Events page.png

On the Events page, you can:

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