Corezoid 6.7
  • 29 Nov 2024
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Corezoid 6.7

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Article summary

Release date: [2024-11-29]

New Features

In the Account, on the Roles page, Permissions tab, the new Corezoid permissions have been added for users:

  • Permission to create projects
  • Permission to create objects in folders.

corezoid permissions in account

New Corezoid users can create projects and objects in folders only if granted these permissions. Users with existing shared objects can continue working with them even without these permissions granted.

Working with the existing folders

If a user has access to a folder, they can create objects within it.


  1. The synchronization of User group creation and management operations between Corezoid and Account has been implemented. Now, creation and operations on user groups in Account on the Groups page are synchronized with user groups in Corezoid and vice versa.
  2. Added automatic current date parameter sending when not specified in the $date function, similar to $unixtime functionality. For more information, go to Functions.
  3. My Corezoid accessibility has been updated: for new users and users that don't have processes in My Corezoid, My Corezoid becomes inaccessible, and only user-created workspaces (former companies) and objects will be available.
    If a user has any objects in My Corezoid shared with them, these objects become accessible together with My Corezoid.
  4. The current implementation of the randomizer module in Erlang (rand:uniform/1) has been made available for use in Corezoid.
  5. The hash generation and update method for user invitations has been enhanced and made more secure.
  6. The task sorting by the change_time parameter in database queries when searching for tasks with identical refs has been added to the show:task method.

Fixed Issues

Fixed ID substitution in the {{conv[id].ref[ref].key}} construction when specified within JSON: ID value substitution is now performed regardless of its position in JSON.

Private Cloud and On-premises

Note: The content also includes all the features, improvements, and fixes of


My Corezoid accessibility has been updated: the ability to control My Corezoid accessibility for all environment users has been added to the Superadmin menu.

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