Corezoid 6.5.5
  • 20 Aug 2024
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Corezoid 6.5.5

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Article summary

Release date: [2024-07-03]

OpenSSL 1.* is deprecated and will be discontinued in future Corezoid versions

The OpenSSL 1.* is deprecated: Due to the shift to the newer OpenSSL version, services that use old cipher protocols may stop operating. We recommend using OpenSSL 3.* For more information, go to the OpenSSL ciphers description.

Process creation by Guest and Custom users

Users with Guest and Custom roles cannot create processes in Corezoid. For more information, go to Roles.

New task creation when 0 state changes left

When a user's available state changes value reaches 0, the user cannot create new tasks in processes, while the existing tasks reach final nodes in the corresponding processes. To use Corezoid again, the user needs to replenish the state change balance according to their license plan. For more information, go to License & Billing.

New Features

Support for the xregexp library providing augmented and extensible JavaScript expressions has been added to the Code node. For more information, go to Code.


For Corezoid processes, the status check before calling an external API has been implemented. If a process is paused or blocked when an external API is called, the system returns the API_CONV_NOT_ACTIVE error with the "conveyor is not active or debugged" description and process ID in the process task. In case of this error, check the specified process (conv_id) status. For more information, go to API Call.

Fixed Issues

  1. The $.unixtime().tz function returned an incorrect GMT-2 value for the GMT+2 argument: Now, the $.unixtime().tz returns the correct GMT+2 value. For more information, go to Functions.
  2. For an empty task run through a process, the "show":"task" API method returned the "data": [] empty array: Now, the method correctly returns the "data": {} empty object in the final node. For more information, go to Add task.
  3. In the Header parameters field of the API Call node, when the dynamic diag_id parameter value is transferred using the conv[{{diag_id}}].ref[{{ref}}].param construction on processes export/import, the parameter value in the API Call node is not updated: Now, the diag_id parameter value in the API Call node is updated according to the recent State Diagram ID. For more information, go to API Call.
  4. When exporting more tasks to CSV than the current export limit specified in the Superadmin menu allows, and the export dialog requires performing the export in several batches, the error prevents a user from specifying the second value of the task range, and the Export button is inactive: Now, the user can export tasks at the specified interval. For more information, go to Add task.

Multi-tenant Environments

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the API secrets exposure issue that could result in unauthorized access to resources across different tenants.
  2. Fixed the listing of organization names and titles vulnerability, leading to potential information disclosure.

Private Cloud and On-premises Hosting Type

Note: The content also includes all the features, improvements, and fixes of


In the Superadmin menu, the AccountId parameter (Account ID of the user) and the user's current block status are shown together with the UserId parameter. For the blocked users, you can see the blocked status in the Nick column near the nickname.


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