Corezoid 6.0
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Corezoid 6.0

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Article summary

March 21, 2023

New license for Corezoid 6.0 and newer

Starting from version 6.0, Corezoid uses a new license. When upgrading to Corezoid 6.0 or newer from an older version you must use a new license file for Corezoid. We will notify you if any action is required.
To upload a new license, go to License->Upload New in the Superadmin menu.

Elasticsearch version support
Since supported Elasticsearch versions were updated to 7.17.x and 8.6.0 (see Improvements p.5), support for versions older than 7.17.x was dropped. Elasticsearch 7.17.x support is deprecated, please consider using newer Elasticsearch versions


  1. Functions
    In the Set Parameters node, the ability to send a date in $.unixtime() and $.date() functions as a process parameter has been added. The following constructions are available:

    • $.unixtime(date_from_parameter)
    • $.date(date_from_parameter)
    • $.unixtime($.date(date_from_parameter))- for working with local time (UTC+3, UTC+2)
    • $.unixtime({{Time}}).tz('Asia/Tokyo') and $.unixtime().tz('Europe/Kiev')- for working with UTC time.
      For more information, go to Parameters and functions.
  2. License upload
    The ability to use base64-format Corezoid license was added to enable a convenient license upload. To upload a new license, copy the content of your base64 license file, go to License->Upload New section in the Superadmin menu, and open the Text tab. Paste the copied license to the field and click Apply.

base64 lic insert new.png

New license for Corezoid 6.0 or newer

When upgrading to Corezoid 6.0 or newer from previous versions you must generate a new license file to use Corezoid.

  1. HTTP2 support
    HTTP2 support was added to Corezoid for a faster overall operation.

  2. Erlang version update
    Erlang was updated to version 24.3 for Corezoid components (CAPI, Multipart, etc.), increasing data exchange speed between components.

  3. Error description update
    The "Company of object do not matches company Id of request" error description was changed to "Object’s company ID does not match company ID in the request" for the error that occurs when a user tries to perform an operation on an object that belongs to another company.
    mismatch error.png

  4. Elasticsearch supported version update
    Elasticsearch supported versions were updated to 7.17.x and 8.6.0. Older versions are not supported.
    Note: Elasticsearch 7.17.x is now deprecated and will be unsupported starting from the next Corezoid version.

  5. Corezoid UI
    Group owners can now transfer ownership of their user groups. To change a group owner, the current group owner needs to select the new owner and choose to either leave the group or remain its member (Leave group checkbox) in the menu.
    group owner change.png

  6. All newly created API Call nodes will be called API Call v2. The new API Call version will allow users to specify custom Content type for any data format selected.
    custom content type API Call2.gif

    API Call v1 nodes

    All previously created API Call nodes called API Call will have the old interface and will not have the option to set a custom Content type.

  7. When creating a new object (Process, State diagram, dashboard, etc.) the default object name now indicates the type of object being created.
    entities creation.gif

  8. The installed Corezoid version is now displayed in all environments and not on only.
    non-corezoid version.png

  9. The current progress will now be displayed when copying large objects in the main menu.

  10. Corezoid API
    The obj_type and status parameters were removed from requests of create stage and create alias requests.

  11. The progress parameter was added to the type: get, obj: statistics API method. This parameter displays the progress of the download, upload and copy operations as completion percentage.

  12. The list_folder method was updated to provide a more convenient listing of project objects.


  1. Fixed a bug that prevented the “Feature disabled” error from being displayed when a user tried to perform a merge operation with feature_enable_merge=false.

  2. Fixed a bug that caused exporting of tasks for date and time out of the specified export period when performing the Export to CSV operation.

  3. Fixed a bug that caused a shared session to disconnect and the screen refresh to fail in the Corezoid Superadmin menu.

  4. Fixed a bug that could have caused a transfer of project ownership rights to fail when one user tried to pass those rights to another user in the case when the project was already shared with that user.

  5. Fixed a bug that prevented a user from finding Aliases to which they had no access but which were linked to processes to which they had access.

  6. Fixed a bug that caused an error in API Call nodes when sending an empty task with the [] array Request body. Now the Request body is sent as an object {}.

  7. The undocumented feature which granted an API key owner the owner rights for objects that were shared with this API key.

Private Cloud and On-premises Hosting type

Include also all the features/improvements/fixes of


Corezoid UI

  1. For the environments with capi_site_box_solution-true setting in the Superadmin menu, search for registered users was enabled in all Corezoid companies and is no longer limited to My Corezoid company.

  2. For the environments with capi_site_box_solution-true setting in the Superadmin menu, when a user shares a process with a group, a search by name is performed through all groups of the current company.
    share with a group.png

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