Corezoid 5.11
  • 15 Dec 2023
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Corezoid 5.11

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Article summary

December 14, 2022

The following changes have been made to Corezoid 5.11:


  • The conv_title method was removed from Corezoid API.
  • The Aliases tab was moved to the Folders section of the workspace menu.



  1. DB Call
    MongoDB and Oracle database types are now available when creating a new DB connection (Create->Database).
    db conn.png

  2. Corezoid API
    Changed the logic of the create, obj: invite API method for inviting users to a company.
    Now, with the “capi_user_notify_conv” present in the Corezoid config (also available in the Superadministrator menu), the method does not return an invitation URL in the response, and the URL is sent only to the user's email.
    However, the method returns the invitation URL in the response if a process ID was not specified in the capi_user_notify_conv parameter. In this case, the following window is displayed to an inviting user to copy an invitation URL

  3. The show conv_title API method was replaced with the show_conv method.

  4. API Call
    When going through an API Call node, an empty task is passed as an object, not an array.

  5. Corezoid UI
    The Parent REF task field that contains a parent process ref was added to the task info view in the process editor. The Parent REF field is displayed in the Archive tab below the “Parent Conv ID” parameter and contains a link to a task in a parent process.

  6. The user password requirements view was changed for Corezoid authorization on and Private cloud environment with no Single Account enabled.
    password requirements.png

  7. Clicking the info (i) icon of an object in Trash now displays a side panel with the object’s parent object info including Parent ID and parent object type (Folder, root Folder, Stage, Project).
    trash object info.png


  1. Fixed a bug in the process Activity Monitor, which caused data not to be displayed for the last date of the selected date range.

  2. jQuery library was updated to version 1.12.4, fixed the vulnerability of missing tokens to prevent CSRF attacks.

  3. The hash algorithm for generating user invitation URL was changed to prevent hash guessing using an enumeration technique. The hash generation algorithm settings are configured in the capi_password_algo parameter in the Superadministrator menu.

Private Cloud and On-premises Hosting type

Include also all the features/improvements/fixes of


Superadministrator Menu

  1. A Superadministrator user can see the “You logged as {nick}” message and the “Disconnect” button when viewing another user’s screen in another user’s session.
    logged as another user.png

    Clicking the Disconnect button logs the Superadministrator out of another user’s session.


The show user API method operation was fixed: when the capi_share_api_keys_in_company parameter value is set to “false”, a user can access only info on the company API keys created by the user. When the parameter value is set to “true”, the user can access information on all API keys in the company.

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