Actors bag
  • 02 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Actors bag

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Article summary

The actor is a model/digital twin of any actual or virtual entity or object. It is the primary entity and a building element in Simulator.Company. On the Actors bag page, you can work with the system and structured graph that contains all the actors available to a user.

On the Actors bag page, you can see the following:

  1. Left navigation panel
  2. Page name
  3. Actors filter by the used form name
  4. Actors list with details (name, ID & REF, actor type, owner, creation date and time)
  5. Search field
  6. Table and graph view buttons
  7. Create actor button
  8. Create a filter button and icon of filter selection for the page
  9. Left navigation panel collapse/expand icon
  10. Invite users button
  11. Workspace name
  12. Profile menu.

actors bag gen numbered

On the Actors bag page, you can:

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